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Remote Control unit is manufactured according to the highest safety standards and advanced technology

                         - Vehicle sensor interaction to avoid dangerous maneuvers.                                                                                                                                              - Continuous noiseless frequency switching (AFA).

                         - Contactless optical joystick                                                                                                                                                                                        - FCC Approval. &  IP65 Water Protection.


TracMow’s radio controlled operation requires no skill or training to fully control the vehicle. Every function – from starting the engine to raising and lowering the deck – can be performed via remote controll


Operator is always a safe distance (up to 650 ft) from dangerous slopes, exhaust, dust and debris – working in comfort all day long.


Replace a fleet of workers using string trimmers with a single TracMow. Electric transmission requires no maintenance, oil or filters.


TracMow’s electric transmission system prevents any oil leaks making it perfectly safe to use in nature reserves or near drinking water reservoirs.


TracMow is a mulching mower that uses a single blade and a high mower deck designed to process large volumes of material with minimal engine power

Mower deck is able to process large amounts of grass....

Strong, German-made blades are reinforced with Tungsten Carbide 

TracMow Specifications & Downloads

TracMow is designed and manufactured by Barbieri SrL, located in northern Italy. 
TracMow is sold throughout Europe as the "X-Rot" and "i-Rot" Remote Control Mower. 

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